Saturday, September 20, 2014

Red-Eye image formats- assignment

This is a screenshot of me saving the image as a JPEG file.

This what the picture looks like as a JPEG file.

This a screenshot of me saving the image as a PNG file.

This what the picture looks like as a PNG file.

This a screen shot of me saving the image as a GIF file.

This what the picture looks like as a GIF file.

Up above is all the steps I took to complete this assignment.  In the assignment we were told to save the picture in different formats such as JPEG, PNG AND GIF.  We were asked about the differences of the pictures, and there were different indeed.  The JPEG file was the better one the picture was clear and vibrant, the PNG file was okay but not as vibrant and the GIF file was not great it was not vibrant at all and it was kind of blurry and had shadows on it.  JPEG was the best out of all.

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