Thursday, October 9, 2014

Class 5, Assignment 5

My personal thoughts on the relationship between body image, personal identify and self esteem is, you are your own person and no one can change you what so ever, I personal always said that my entire life, I am who I am if you don't like it too bad..  Personal Identity is something you feel you are, you have to decide that by yourself as to who you want to be or how you want to look like, no one showed tell you how to do it.  Self esteem is one of those issues a lot people struggle with, you have to be happy about your self.  It's hard for some to have this because a lot people don't have self esteem, whether they been hurt by others or have a type of dysfunction or etc.  I personally enjoy who I am and feel good that I am who I am.  The sad part about today's world you see a lot of photoshopping happening, especially in pictures of celebrity's and models on magazines.  It's sad because you can't be who you are these companies will change your appearance if your not what they want on the final image.  I personal always notice this when I meet celebrity's and I look at them and say like wow they don't look like that on tv or magazines.  Here is a great example I found on you tube regarding photoshopping :    This video shows some one editing a models body before it became a final image for something.

My response to Ryan discussion:
Your correct on this Ryan and I respect your opinion, I just feel companies should let people be who they are and to stop making people be who they are not.

My response to Wonson:
WonSun I like how said photoshopped creates fantasies.  I agree totally with you and that was my whole point of this discussion.  I t does create it and when will people realize this I don't know.

My Response to everyone:
Thanks Guys for all your responses and interaction with one another.

My response to Filipe post:
I agree with you one this one, you are who you are simple as that.  You really can't be someone who your a not otherwise you would be fake.  Filipe we do see this a lot everyday when you talk about pictures being altered, we see them from top models and even celebrity's.  It's kind of sad that they can't be who they really are, they have to be someone else because they are being told by these big companies.  Good example is on the YouTube video you provided.  Good Job.

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